/* Image w/ description tooltip v2.0 * Created: April 23rd, 2010. This notice must stay intact for usage * Author: Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ * Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code */ var ddimgtooltip={ tiparray:function(){ var tooltips=[] //define each tooltip below: tooltip[inc]=['path_to_image', 'optional desc', optional_CSS_object] //For desc parameter, backslash any special characters inside your text such as apotrophes ('). Example: "I\'m the king of the world" //For CSS object, follow the syntax: {property1:"cssvalue1", property2:"cssvalue2", etc} tooltips[1]=["/img/283px/CS10GALT3S100_8.JPG"] tooltips[2]=["/img/283px/CS10GALT3S100.JPG"] return tooltips //do not remove/change this line }(), tooltipoffsets: [20, -30], //additional x and y offset from mouse cursor for tooltips //***** NO NEED TO EDIT BEYOND HERE tipprefix: 'imgtip', //tooltip ID prefixes createtip:function($, tipid, tipinfo){ if ($('#'+tipid).length==0){ //if this tooltip doesn't exist yet return $('
').html( '
' + ((tipinfo[1])? '
' : '') ) .css(tipinfo[2] || {}) .appendTo(document.body) } return null }, positiontooltip:function($, $tooltip, e){ var x=e.pageX+this.tooltipoffsets[0], y=e.pageY+this.tooltipoffsets[1] var tipw=$tooltip.outerWidth(), tiph=$tooltip.outerHeight(), x=(x+tipw>$(document).scrollLeft()+$(window).width())? x-tipw-(ddimgtooltip.tooltipoffsets[0]*2) : x y=(y+tiph>$(document).scrollTop()+$(window).height())? $(document).scrollTop()+$(window).height()-tiph-10 : y $tooltip.css({left:x, top:y}) }, showbox:function($, $tooltip, e){ $tooltip.show() this.positiontooltip($, $tooltip, e) }, hidebox:function($, $tooltip){ $tooltip.hide() }, init:function(targetselector){ jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var tiparray=ddimgtooltip.tiparray var $targets=$(targetselector) if ($targets.length==0) return var tipids=[] $targets.each(function(){ var $target=$(this) $target.attr('rel').match(/\[(\d+)\]/) //match d of attribute rel="imgtip[d]" var tipsuffix=parseInt(RegExp.$1) //get d as integer var tipid=this._tipid=ddimgtooltip.tipprefix+tipsuffix //construct this tip's ID value and remember it var $tooltip=ddimgtooltip.createtip($, tipid, tiparray[tipsuffix]) $target.mouseenter(function(e){ var $tooltip=$("#"+this._tipid) ddimgtooltip.showbox($, $tooltip, e) }) $target.mouseleave(function(e){ var $tooltip=$("#"+this._tipid) ddimgtooltip.hidebox($, $tooltip) }) $target.mousemove(function(e){ var $tooltip=$("#"+this._tipid) ddimgtooltip.positiontooltip($, $tooltip, e) }) if ($tooltip){ //add mouseenter to this tooltip (only if event hasn't already been added) $tooltip.mouseenter(function(){ ddimgtooltip.hidebox($, $(this)) }) } }) }) //end dom ready } } //ddimgtooltip.init("targetElementSelector") ddimgtooltip.init("*[rel^=imgtip]")